Can you get a job in gaming industry after completing ENTC?

Can you get a job in gaming industry after completing ENTC?

Yes, you can get job in gaming industry after completing E&TC, if you are having knowledge in the field of gaming profession like computer programming or designing knowledge of the minimum certificate or diploma level. Next obtaining higher education in this field is optional, if you want.

Job in Gaming Industry

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering is a fertile and emerging field having vast use of it globally with other fields such as bio-medical, mechanical, computer engineering, healthcare, instrumentation, automation, space technology and many others. Guys having knowledge in this field may contribute for good job salary using their expertise in traditional work as well as R&D fields of electronic devices & circuits, signal processing, digital systems, computer architecture, computer organization, communication systems, wireless systems, VLSI, machine learning vision, pattern recognition, MIMO, OFDM, medical imaging, quantum electronics, microwave system, communication theory, electromagnetic, photonic systems, robotics, intelligent machines, reconfigurable hardware, area of antennas & wave propagation, speech & image processing, industrial and medical electronics, RFID communication, intelligent transport systems, semi conductor materials, solid state materials and devices, microprocessor, digital and analog communication, reception of video, voice and data, satellite communication and optical communications. 

There are various jobs in the electronics industries engaged in above fields but guys if you are interested for job only in the field of gaming industry then you should seek job as computer programmer sometimes called coder and designated as game developer or game designer having knowledge of designing stream. 

For computer programmer, you should have interest & knowledge of computer programing languages as C++, C#, CSS or Java, Java script and HTML5. Anyone may choose another programming language also but not necessary to be expert in all languages. 

Guys, if you are creative minded, so you may choose game designing stream and earn knowledge of creating imaginary visual thoughts, elements, characters, scripting, sketching, concept art, prototyping, 2D design, 2D animation, 3D design3D animation, modelling, sculpting, texturing, audio, voice characters and game level designing. After completing the game designing part of the game project next task is ready for the game programming assignment.

Various game design softwares are used in game designing stream to create natural elements and characters of the prototype. Some of these softwares are Sketchbook, Illustrator, Photoshop, After effect, 3Ds Max, 3D Maya, zbrush,  Blender 3D, Audacity, Audition, Unity3D with C#, Unreal Engine with C++, Game Maker Studio with GML and Visual Studio.

Guys, if you are having a planning to become a owner of game developing company then you should have the skill of gamer, game developer and management expertise. You can share the services of freelancers, investors, publishers etc. depending upon the size of the gaming company.

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